Reoccurring Events
Here are a number of events we have to fellowship
and serve with one another.
Living with Loss is a grief recovery workshop. Anyone who is experiencing some form of loss, knows someone experiencing loss, or wanting to learn more about living with loss are all welcome! This workshop is not a pity party, cryfest, or dating service. It is about encouragement, appreciation for the challenges of living after loss, and a means of providing tools to help.
"The mission of Lads to Leaders/Leaderettes has been to develop youth into Christian leaders... It is a tool churches of Christ can use to help prepare their youth and adults for service in the Kingdom of God and help develop their overall leadership potential."

Men's Cookout
Periodically, our men will host outings to cook and fellowship together. It is a great opportunity for Christian men to enjoy the company of other Christian men.
Every second Sunday of the month, our evening service will focus on fellowship and studying together in smaller, more intimate groups. Through a rotation, one group will always meet at the building, while the other groups meet at each other's homes.

Ladies Night Out
Our ladies take monthly outings together to fellowship with one another and enjoy peace together. Whether it is lunch or dinner outings, craft nights, game nights, or weekend retreats, Christian women can enjoy the company of other Christian women.
Every third Sunday of the month, our evening service will include a short lesson together, then divide and conquer different service projects and opportunities of your choice to help our community and those in need.

Financial Literacy Class
Periodically, we host a free financial literacy class that is open to the public. This class aimed to help anyone and everyone with financial literacy, to help everyone become more financially intelligent and knowledgeable.